Sunday, 10 April 2016
1st (prolly last too) marathon volunteering w bae
Okay, so if you're even wondering, the run we volunteered for is the NTUC Income Run 350. Haha. No offense man but I really regretted volunteering for this run. Out of all the runs I've volunteered for, this is probably the worst. Everything was very disorganized and the in-charges seemed really unsure of what to do with us volunteers. It was a really bad experience because I felt like they were just wasting our time when they repeatedly told us to move from one venue to the other because they were unsure of the allocation. Quite disappointing, but then again, this run is organized by Young NTUC (which is basically a group of volunteers aged 35 and below) so maybe they aren't as experienced with such big scale event yet.
I know the blogpost states that it's posted on 10th April, aka the race day, but actually, I'm blogging this in August, aka 4 months later, hence I doubt I can give a real solid and full recount of the day but I'm trying my best. LOL I'm also relying on Whatsapp convos from that day to try to recall what exactly happened.
The day actually started on 9th April, because we spent the night at the F1 Pit Building. So, on that day, I remembered bae having competition in the morning since it was a Saturday and it's during the STL era. We couldn't meet up immediately after his training because he had to attend a meeting cum discussion session for Crossrunner's Sundown Tchoukball Cup. Hahah. Omg I remember it was a really weird day for us because initially, we were supposed to meet at 530 for dinner before heading down together. BUTTTTTT, due to the rain, his last match of the day got postponed... and I had some impromptu family steamboat. So in the end we didn't have dinner together. LOL. Oh and his phone's battery died so just agreed to meet at Tamp's bus 72 berth. I thought I'll be late but nope, I was still earlier than him.
Went over to his house before we headed off. I remember buying some banana walnut bread from Hougang Interchange. Omg, it's so good. HAHAHAHA.
OMg, poor boy was very tired that day because of the competition and all so while waiting for further instructions to be given, he was sleeping on my legs. :( Oh, he was also I remember seeing this really old and cute couple there, volunteering as well, and I'm like aww goals. Perfect depiction of what we felt when we were shifted everywhere. omg this man raged at the in-charge. LOLOLOL LOOKS LIKE HE SAW MY PHONE. TADAH, THE BANANA WALNUT BREAD I WAS TALKING ABOUT. They provided supper to uh, but it really sucks. LOL. Sooooo after a long night of debate, we got deployed to the route crew section. Yay milo for the soul. He completely died when we were deployed to our respective venues because there were basically nobody there except the two of us. We adhered to the no PDA rule. yAY when the sun rises and it's time to panggang. I swear we looked stupid. Oh this is the snack pack. Mad love for this smile of his. Omg it's so cute. TT Okay so yeah, I guess the night is over already. HAHAHA He swore that he will never go for another event like this anymore. Awwz :( I'm so sad. I actually like doing this. HAHAHA. OH, WE WERE GIVEN $25 EACH FOR "transport fare" etc. HAHAHA Definitely not worth the $25 to stay up the entire night, but I guess it's worth it because I was with him. Hehe. We went back to my home to bathe and then crash all the way till late afternoon I think? We were very lazy to go out uh so we just hunted for food at home and made do with whatever we found. HAHAHA. We cooked 1 x Korean Spicy noodle topped with cheese, 2 x Tom Yum Maggie which I bought back from Thailand and some homemade dumplings. Yay! Thank god for the two small cartons of milk we found at home because we both died while eating the noodles. LOL. Not very wise to go all out and cook all the spicy stuffs in one shot I guess? Oh, we also challenged each other, where we have to eat the Korean spicy noodle without drinking anything and the first person to drink something to soothe the spiciness loses. HAHAHAHAHA AND GUESS WHAT? HE LOST. |